Our Whole Lives: Lifespan Sexuality Education Curricula
Our Whole Lives (OWL) is a set of curricula about family, relationships, sexuality and society, at levels appropriate for learners from Kindergarten age through adults. It was developed jointly by the Unitarian Universalist Association and the United Church of Christ for use in both denominations. For a fuller overview of the program, see the UUA Web site.
Although they were developed by two religious organizations, the curricula contain no religious references or doctrine and are offered as classes separate from our regular Sunday morning religious education. The program’s values are self-worth, individual responsibility, health, and social justice. Our teachers not only relay relevant, honest information, but aid students in developing the skills needed to clarify their values and improve their personal decision-making skills.
There are OWL curricula for ages ranging from Kindergarten-Grade 1 to older adults, and at GRU we strive to offer OWL classes as often as possible at the school age levels. Because of the sensitive nature of the subject material, we open OWL to children whose families are in communion with us so that we know the parents are aware of and comfortable with the philosophy of open communication.
If you are interested in enrolling your child in an Our Whole Lives class or in training to be a facilitator, email info@grandriverunitarian.ca.