Adult Spiritual Exploration  (QUEST)

Quest bulletin board.JPG

In our living faith statement, Unitarian Universalists covenant to encourage spiritual growth in our congregations and to promote a free and responsible search for truth and meaning. At Grand River Unitarian, the Adult Spiritual Exploration committee facilitates these goals by providing programming each year.

Our aim is to foster both individual and community growth by designing courses that address the whole person — mind, body, and spirit. Or, in other words — head, hands, and heart.

We offer a variety of programs, multimedia events, workshops, and more.  Details can be found in our weekly Announcements. The bulletin board directly across from the lower level stairs displays what is coming up. Signup sheets for classes can be found on the table directly beneath the bulletin board. Our events are open to anyone, but often require an RSVP for planning purposes.

Do you have something you would like to offer to further our Adult Spiritual Exploration experiences? Let us know and we may be able to help you get started!  Email to learn more about our programming or volunteer to offer your energy to the congregation.

Some of our regular programs are listed below:

GRU Reads
In conjunction with Rev. Jess, we choose books for congregation-wide discussion.  Many of our Quest events and forums are inspired by themes from the book of the season.

Tea, TED, and Theology
TED is an acronym for Technology, Entertainment, Design. It is an organization that records short speeches from people who are changing the world in the areas of technology, entertainment, design, social action, education, and more. In each GRU session, three or four TED speeches on a given topic are viewed and discussed over tea with Rev. Jess.

Popcorn Theology
Come watch a movie with Janis Collins and discuss!  Popcorn provided.
Take 40
Take 40 is an opportunity to explore a sermon topic or community interest in more depth right after the service. These talks are organized and led by members of the GRU community with a specific interest and will be advertised in advance.

UU Journeys
Every year we offer courses on our Unitarian Universalist heritage or philosophy. Most of the courses are repeated every few years, to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to learn more about our faith.

We have made it a priority to include classes and workshops on indigenous issues in order to encourage the congregation’s engagement in reconciling with the indigenous peoples who inhabit the area we call Canada.