Amnesty International Action Circle

AI Action Circle A120, registered with Amnesty International Canada and listed on its website, is affiliated with GRUC;  it was established in December 2012 and meets on the last Sunday of each month from 12 noon to 1 pm.  The group's purpose is to use the resources of Amnesty International in working together for the promotion of human rights worldwide.

We welcome all who are interested, from the congregation and the wider community.  Attendance and participation do not involve commitments of money or individual Amnesty International membership – only concern for human rights.  There is no requirement of Unitarian affiliation or attendance at services in order to participate in the Action Circle.  Neither is any past Amnesty involvement or knowledge required; we are always delighted to have new participants or interested "drop-ins".

Our meetings, with about a dozen participants on average, usually include sharing of participants' specific human rights interests, a survey of recent "good news" (positive outcomes of Amnesty work), updates on past actions (especially our "long-term action" cases), and discussion of up to three recommended actions such as letter writing -- all leading to a heightened awareness of human rights issues.   To facilitate discussion and participation, background material is emailed ahead of meetings to all who have expressed interest.  Come and see if this is for you!

Colin Read (the current co-ordinator) will be glad to respond to questions. Email for information.